What is the web video series “Breathing Your Way to Wellness with Brian Propp”?
Philadelphia Flyer Hall of Famer hosts monthly wellness series featuring
the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
LANGHORNE, Pa., December 7, 2016 – Oxygen Oasis Hyperbaric Wellness Center (Oxygen Oasis) is hosting a bi-weekly web series called “Breathing Your Way to Wellness with Brian Propp” featuring the retired Philadelphia Flyers Hall of Famer. The series will broadcast every other Monday on YouTube and include conversations between Propp and patients with a host of conditions including multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, traumatic brain injury/post traumatic stress (TBI/PTS), reflex sympathetic dystrophy/complex regional pain syndrome (RSD/CRPS), autism, radiation injury, Lyme disease, concussion, stroke, and more, who are treated with HBOT. The next episode will air Monday, December 19.
Oxygen Oasis is Pennsylvania’s first free-standing wound care and hyperbaric center to offer both state-of-the-art multi- and monoplace chambers. HBOT is a non-invasive medical treatment administered by delivering 100 percent oxygen at pressures greater than two to three times the normal atmospheric (sea level) pressure to a patient in a chamber. This treatment promotes healing by increasing the oxygen concentration in the body 15 to 20 times greater than normal at the cellular level. HBOT is FDA approved and has been proven effective as an adjunctive therapy for specific indications, such as chronic wounds caused by diseases and conditions such as compromised skin grafts and flaps, diabetes, obesity, aging, and the late effects of radiation therapy. The National Institutes of Health reported in 2010 that more than 6.5 million people in the United States suffer from these kind of wounds. The center is also able to treat a broad spectrum of diagnoses, including but not limited to inflammation and other symptoms associated with autism, cerebral palsy, stroke, TBI/PTS, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, migraines, pre/post cosmetic surgery, and a wide range of sports injuries.
Propp was treated with HBOT for a stroke and found the benefits, including almost immediate speech improvement, to be remarkable. “I was compelled to be a part of this web series to bring awareness to the healing power of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the many conditions it can help,” says Propp. “I look forward to sharing my personal story of how Oxygen Oasis’ HBOT enhanced my rehabilitation and letting people know how much this treatment may help them in their recoveries. I was moved listening to other patients share their individual healing stories with me. My wish is that this treatment gives others with similar conditions hope and provides them with an alternative healing modality that they may have otherwise not been aware of.”
The first video in the series debuted October 11 and featured former NBC Sportscaster Jenny Ornsteen who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) 24 years ago. Ornsteen shares her journey from diagnosis to conventional treatment and discovery of HBOT.
“When I was 42 years old, numbness in my fingers and a previous optic neuritis episode were diagnosed as relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. A number of different drugs were prescribed for me, and while high doses of these drugs stopped the effects of severe relapses or exacerbations, the side effects and dangers of that kind of therapy made it inadvisable for me to use for every exacerbation. When I relapsed and had trouble walking, I was reluctant to take any more drugs. A well-known neurologist told me to seek out HBOT. It took me more than two years to find somewhere in my area that would treat me. After I had 10 treatments, I no longer needed a cane. Upon the 20th HBOT treatment, I was in better shape than I had been since before the diagnosis 24 years previously! The benefits of HBOT for MS sufferers (widely used in Europe for 30 years) are so wonderful that I want other people with MS to know about it,” notes Ornsteen.
Visit http://tinyurl.com/j726kqn to view an episode of “Breathing Your Way to Wellness with Brian Propp,” a Marine who suffered from migraines, depression, agitation, sleep issues and memory loss caused by TBI/PTS and how HBOT has helped him.
About Oxygen Oasis Hyperbaric Wellness Center
Founded in 2011, Oxygen Therapurity, LLC was established to make hyperbaric oxygen therapy more widely available to hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and research centers through a unique and affordable partnership. After launching successful partnerships with other hyperbaric facilities, owners Victoria Bliss-Calkins and Tom Calkins opened and now operate their own facility, Oxygen Oasis Hyperbaric Wellness Center (Oxygen Oasis), in Langhorne, Pa. Oxygen Oasis is Pennsylvania’s first free-standing wound care and hyperbaric center to offer both state-of-the-art multi- and monoplace chambers. Oxygen Oasis employs experienced wound care and hyperbaric physicians and certified hyperbaric technologists. Working together, the staff at the center ensures patients receive safe, quality wound care and hyperbaric service they need. Oxygen Oasis is located at 848 Town Center Drive, Langhorne, Pa., and is open five days a week from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Visit www.o2oasis.com or call 215-352-3720 for more information.